Southern California Robotics (SCR) Symposium 2023

USC Learning and Interactive Robot Autonomy Lab (LiraLab) develops algorithms for robot learning, safe and efficient human-robot interaction and multi-agent systems. Our mission is to equip robots, or more generally agents powered with artificial intelligence (AI), with the capabilities that will enable them to intelligently learn, adapt to, and influence the humans and other AI agents. We take a two-step approach to this problem. First, machine learning techniques that we develop enable robots to model the behaviors and goals of the other agents by leveraging different forms of information they leak or explicitly provide. Second, these robots interact with the others to achieve online adaptation by leveraging the learned behaviors and goals while making sure this adaptation is beneficial and sustainable.

Recent News

Check out our YouTube channel for latest talks and supplementary videos for our publications.
2024-03: Five papers at NAACL on LLM security (4 main and 1 finding): two on the backdoor attack, one on backdoor defense, one on jailbreak attacks, and one on model fingerprint. Stay tuned on these exciting fields
2024-03: PreDa for personalized federated learning is accepted at CVPR 2024.
2024-01: Three papers at ICLR.
2024-01: Two papers at TMLR.
2023-12: Invited Talk at NeurIPS TDW workshop
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